Home Insurance
We provide buildings and contents insurance tailored to suit your individual needs. We offer a range of home insurance packages for homeowners, tenants, landlords and holiday homes. With our home insurance, you can get up to 3 call outs per year free of charge and it will not get to affect your no claims discount. We have emergency home assistance available 24/7 to call in the event of an emergency and we will send an approved tradesman to you.
Why Choose
- Comprehensive Contents Cover.
- Complete tailored Options (All Risks).
- 24/7 Emergency Help Line.
- Get to pay monthly or annually either via direct deposit or by credit card at no charge.
- Claiming process is easy and fast.
- Plan instalment is completely free.
- Payment spread over 12 months.
- 30% Discount if you have been claims free for 3 years or more.
Travel Insurance
We offer flexible travel insurance to suit your budget and needs. We have a multi trip travel insurance payment that covers all your travels for a year and also a single trip insurance payment for constant travellers who are likely to make more than three trips in a year.